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Hi there and thanks for stopping by to check out our book a chat offer.
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Because you’re on this page it’s highly likely that you are "so over" the stress and anxiety that comes from paying for your home 2 – 3 times over in unnecessary interest costs and you’re getting more serious about doing something about it.
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Good call, because once you’ve done that, your whole world changes.
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You get to enjoy peace of mind, confidence and a sense of security, knowing with absolute mathematical certainty, that you can learn how to pay your mortgage off in up to half the time while you keep your existing lifestyle.
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We can probably help you with that, but because we don’t know you, we can’t say for sure unless you’ve already completed our online form to get your free Mortgage Analysis.
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And you probably don’t know us that well either.
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So ... let’s meet, get to know each other, and figure this thing out for you.
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Before we meet why don’t you take the time to check out 10 reasons why you should consider letting me help you to win The Mortgage Game<sup>®</sup>.
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The reasons below will answer some really important questions that I know you’ll have. They’ll also raise a few question that that we can chat about when we meet.
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Check out our brief intoduction webinar where I talk you through The Mortgage Game® in detail and give you tips you can take and apply to your situation today.
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<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="/LandingPages/FHXIntro/introduction-to-the-mortgage-game" tabindex="200">Watch the Demo</a>
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<h1 id="tenreasons-heading">10 Reasons Why</h1>
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<h2 id="bookchat-heading">100% Independent Mortgage & Home Loan Services For Kiwis By Kiwis</h2>
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<h2 id="bookchat-heading">100% Independent Mortgage & Home Loan Services For Kiwis By Kiwis</h2>
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